The changes does not happen when we ask ourselves a question:”In what way we can improve the society?” or “What can I do for this planet to become a better place for living? The changes occur only when we decide to do something with the answer which we will get by asking all those questions. This Centre is our decision and reaction on how to make a contribution to the better and brighter future, while using our past experience and personal potentials, living and believing in what we are promoting.

Main objective of the Centre for Socially Responsible Entrepreneurship – CDOP is continuous recognition of the socially responsible entrepreneurial ideas, individuals and organizations and active support through its educational and development activities. In that way we will continually support society and people in realization of creative, socially responsible and sustainable ideas and projects.

Vision: Centre represents incubator for creation of innovative socially responsible ideas, place where individuals can develop their personal potential in order to realize its ideas and thus improve quality of life.

Mission: Centre recognizes socially responsible ideas, individuals and organizations, and is actively supporting them through its educational and development programs and represents the creator of socially responsible surrounding.


  • CHANGE, development is happening through constant change and acceptance of challenges. We believe that everyone can change and develop for the better and thus to create better life and better business.
  • CREATION, small miracles are creating great miracles, small ideas are creating great changes. We are supporting any socially responsible idea that brings additional value to environment.
  • DIVERSITY we appreciate diversity because it brings quality and development. Through its incentives every one of us will then be able to recognize its personal uniqueness and talent that carries in itself, in order to develop, enrich and share it with its environment.
  • TOGETHERNESS, through supporting and assisting each other, through sharing ideas, knowledge and experience we can reach miracles.


We believe that every person is the star with unlimited potential that can be developed and fulfilled trough business, for the benefit of the society applying following principles:

  1. Adaptability: openness and adaptability to any new and unfamiliar situation, constant change and resourcefulness.
  2. Creativity: finding new innovative socially responsible solutions for existing and new situations, creation of new added value for the environment and society.
  3. Autonomy: self-sufficiency and survival of innovative solutions, growth and development in the long term.
  4. Familiarity: familiarity with the new innovative solution and consequently easy identification of the opportunities and application on the given situation and environment.
  5. Faith: firm belief in possibility of realization of the idea, that it is correct and its wellbeing for the individual and environment.

What has been done and what are the next steps:

– 2009. was the year of thinking and development of the concept, studying and analysis of the similar ideas and activities. Results of the work in this year are defined mission and vision of the Centre, working model, anything that represents the foundation of one idea when you start to realize it.

– 2010. was the year of choosing and purchase of the land for the Centre in one small village Vrmdza on South East of Serbia. NGO „Centre for Socially Responsible Entrepreneurship (CSRE) was established. At the end of the year we received recognition – idea of this Centre has won the first place in Serbia for the competition „Social Business Idea 2010“organized as part of Social Business Tour 2010.

– in 2011. We are planning to write business plan, web site creation and architectural design for the Centre „5th Element“ which will be located on the plot in the Vrmdza village. The Center will be expanded version of the working space that includes part of an informal space for eating, reading, gathering and sleeping.

For us “Fifth element” is not just the educational complex, it’s also our friends, associates and people of good will, that according to its capabilities, are helping this centre to become active and start to work. Do you see yourself as a volunteer or a sponsor of this idea? Contact us. We will be happy to hear your suggestions and ideas.


Dragana Tomic
President of CSRE